The Universal (Regular) Densah Bur Kit is the best value for your practice if you use multiple implant systems.These burs are externally irrigated and are compatible with all available sized implants up to 6.0mm diamter providing you with the flexibility to do more with less. The proprietary flute design allows the bur to work in 2 modes;
Cutting mode ( clockwise rotation) at 800-1500 RPMs
Densifying mode ( Counterclockwise rotation) at 800-1500 RPMs
Includes Pilot Drill, Kit X bur block, Versah parallel pins x4
VT 5 series VT1525 VT2535 VT3545 VT4555
VT8 series VT1828 VT2838 VT3848 VT4858
VS8 Series VS2228 VS3238 VS4248 VS5258
Versah Drill Extender